• Whole Home Epoxy Flooring

    Polyaspartic and Metallic Epoxy Flooring for Homes

    Epoxy flooring in your entire house

    Have you dreamed of unique flooring for your home? We offer both Polyaspartic and Metallic Epoxy flooring coatings for your home. You can choose to create a custom one of a kind Metallic Epoxy floor in your home, living room, kitchen floors or other rooms in your home. If you want to have a conversation starter, this is the way to go! Our Metallic Epoxy flooring can be done in many different patterns and styles, and you can choose from many different color combinations to find the dream flooring and coating you want! If you want a more durable floor, then a Polyaspartic floor may be what you need. If you have rooms with high traffic, chairs drug across the floor, and more, then our 20 year Polyaspartic flake flooring may be just what you need! When you want to have your Home floors redone, give us a call for a FREE Quote!